DOI: 10.17689/psy-2013.1.9
Size of an article: 7 — 20 pages.
Font «Times New Roman» (in case of the use of the additional fonts they should be cast to the editor’s office in electronic form).
Font size — 14 pt.
Interline spacing — sesquialteral.
All margins — 2 cm.
Paragraph indention — 1, 25 cm. (Highlight all the text in the file. In menu section «Main» open the insert «Paragraph»; in the new dialogue box find the section «first-line», choose the mark «indention», then on the right you will see the numeric field, where you will have to type the digital value «1, 25», and after this you will save the changes pressing «OK» button).
Universal decimal classification is indicated at the beginning of the article on the left side without indention.
The name of the article is given below in a line centrally without indention in semi-bold type.
The author’s family name and initials are indicated centrally without indention.
As for the annotation — font 12 pt (up to 500 type characters), full justification, paragraph indention 1, 25.
Key words — font 12 pt (4-9 words or phrases divided by semicolon).
The main text — full justification, automatic paragraph indention 1, 25.
Intratextual references are given in square brackets, where the author’s family name and date of publication of a book or an article are given, and if a quotation is made, then you should give a page or a range of pages, e. g. [Petrov, 2011, p. 122] or [Nikonova, 2005, p. 14–19]. If you quote several works, then the authors’ family names are given in alphabetical order in semicolon: [Petrov, 2001, с. 114–116; Sidorova, 2009, с. 33]; when the works belong to one and the same author, they are enumerated in chronological order: [Petrov,2004; Petrov,2004]. If there are authors-namesakes, then the initials are given after a family name. If there are two or three authors, then only a family name of the first author is mentioned, and instead of other family names you should write «and others» — in case of Russian source, «et al.» — in case of a source in English. If there more than three authors, and if there is a reference to a composite book, then you give the first word of the book’s name (or two words — if they are logically connected — with dots), then a year and pages (if necessary), e. g.: [Pressing problems of psychology ..., 2012], [Contemporary approaches..., 2011, p. 222].
Citations are given in quotes and have indication to a page number.
Underlining is not allowed in the text.
Footnotes should not be used in the text (both at the bottom of the page and at the end of an article). An exception can be made if an article is carried out as a part of a grant or government contract.
Manual hyphenation is not allowed.
Page numbering is not allowed.
When you insert a picture, you should make a reference to it in a text in round brackets: (picture 1). Then you should insert a picture and sign it at the bottom, levelling a legend centrally without paragraph indention (Picture 1. Top vacancies according to the number of offers). Font size of a legend — 13 pt. It is preferable to duplicate a picture in a separate file.
When you insert a table, you should make a reference to in in the text in round brackets: (table 1). On top of the table you should put the words «Table 1» and align the phrase right without paragraph indention (font 13 pt) and then in the following line you should give the full name of the table with central aligning without paragraph indention (font 13 pt). Then goes the table that can be carried out in font 12 (or in larger one).
Table 1.
Rates of students’ adaptation.
The list of references is given after the text of the article; it is composed alphabetically, is enumerated and is opened by the word «References». First of all, you give an alphabetical list of works in Russian (in Cyrillic alphabet), then an alphabetical list of works on foreign languages (in Latin alphabet).
If an article is written with the help of the stock materials or catalogues, then they are given in a separate list before the list of the references headed «Sources and authorized abbreviations» (see the examples below).
The information about the author is given below in a line as follows: family name, name, patronymic name without abbreviations, science degree, occupation, place of employment, email address. For example:
Ivanova Maria Ivanovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, assistant professor at the psychology department, Smolensk State University (Smolensk),
Execution of a reference list
Author’s family name (or in its absence the first word in a book’s title) is given in italics. If two or three authors wrote the book, only the name of the first author serves as the first element of a bibliographic record. The names of all authors are given after the oblique line. If there are four of more authors, the description of a book starts with a title, and the name of the first author together with the words «[and others]» comes after the oblique line. It is necessary to indicate a publishing house, where a book or a monograph was published. (If it is an article in a magazine, dissertation or a dissertation abstract, then it is not necessary to indicate publishing house).
Abbreviations while indicating a place of publishing are inadmissible: «Moscow», «Saint-Petersburg», «Rostov-on-Don» and others.
While indicating a publisher the information about the form of his ownership (joint-stock company, closed joint-stock company, LLC, federal state unitary enterprise, LTD, Inc. and others) is omitted. For example: instead of «Moscow: LLC „Stela“, 2006» there should be «Moscow: Stela, 2006». A themed name of a publishing house comes without quotation marks and clipping. If there is a themed name of a publisher, the information about a publishing function of an organization (expressed by the words «publishing house», «publisher» and others) is also omitted and is saved without a themed name, if a publisher’s name and these words are grammatically linked, e. g.: Moscow: Publishing house in Strastnoy, 2008.
It is obligatory to indicate the total number of pages in a book (e. g.:"273 p.«) or a range of pages where an article in a magazine is placed (e. g.: «P. 23-31»).
All the articles, which are sent to the editor’s office, are subject to reviewing, which is carried out by one, two or three members of editorial board. Reviewers’ names are not made public. In the case of a reject the authors are informed via email with a brief framing of basis. Before the articles are sent for reviewing they are checked for literary piracy with the help of «Antiplagiat».
If a reviewer forms a positive conclusion about the quality of an article, it is published in the next issue of a journal according to the scientific field of work. If any of the reviewers gives a negative review of an article, it is excluded from the journal at any stage of preparation and publication. If it is necessary to make changes, the editor informs the author of an article about the need of its refinement. After the author has made changes, the editor makes some necessary stylistic editing without making changes in the scientific contents of an article.
If an article is considered to be the one which does not correspond to the requirements of the journal, the author of an article is informed about the necessity of remaking an article or about the rejection to publish the article at any stage of preparation of a journal.
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